Hi, I’m Rebecca!

You made it here somehow. It’s nice to have you. You’re probably hoping I’ll talk about myself here, so I guess I can do that, even though that puts me through the pain of being known.

Here are the bullet points:

  • My debut book, Gator Country, was published in November of 2023.

  • Sometimes my work finds its way to cool places like National Geographic, The New York Times, Outside MagazineSierraTin HouseParis Review, et cetera et cetera et cetera.

  • I used to be a high school English teacher.

  • I have an MFA in fiction writing, and I came to journalism by accident. Oops?

  • Hear me out: Swamps are actually wonderful. They’re biodiversity hotspots. Quit hating on wetlands.

  • Sharks and alligators are cute. Fight me.

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Novelist, environmental journalist, writing in @ParisReview @WashingtonPost @TheAtlantic @Guardian @CJR; rep: @JuliaREagleton; she/her renner.ra@protonmail.com